The strength of our community lies in the people who live in our parish and their lively interest in a
huge variety of activities. Be it getting fit, trying a new hobby, meeting friends or making new ones
or lending a hand in the community, there’s something for everyone.
As a parish we want to promote equality, diversity and inclusion in everything we do. That means
that anybody is welcome and has the right to join a group, regardless of race, religion or gender and
new groups are very welcome. If there’s an interest group you’d like to add, please get in touch
with the page admin.
Village Shop
East Harptree Community Shop is run entirely by volunteers and new volunteers are always warmly welcomed. It is a thoroughly enjoyable way to meet people.
Like any good corner shop it can supply most of your needs, as well as a few treats.
Opening hours are:
Monday to Friday 8-12
Saturday 9-12
Sunday 9-11
(Times will vary during school holidays)
All enquiries 01761 220082.
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Harptrees History Society
A friendly and informal group holding meetings and talks relating predominantly to the local area.
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Playing Fields and Pavillion
Gifted in 1938 and preserved for the village, the George VI playing field is a venue for sports clubs
and fitness groups as well as parishioners, with free access to the tennis court and playground.
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Village Hall
A traditional venue with a range of uses, including choir, dance classes and community events. The
main hall was built in 1889 as a theatre and its character remains evident today.
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Pre-School and Forest School
A small rural pre-school with three indoor areas and a secure outdoor play area. Also, a feeder
school to local primaries, including East Harptree and Chew Stoke.
Go to EHNPS website
Cricket Club
A mixed-ability team open to new members, playing weekends in the summer months (in usual
Go to Harptree Village CC website
Womens’ Institute
The WI offers a varied programme, encouraging members to expand their interests and horizons. In
normal times, the East Harptree WI meets at The Theatre on the 2nd Tuesday at the month at
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U3A (University of the 3rd Age)
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Luncheon Club
An occasion for older Chew Valley residents to meet once a month and enjoy a meal together.
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Flower and Craft Show
Whopping marrows, prize-winning cakes and jams, and crafty challenges for all ages – there’s
something for everyone at the annual Flower and Craft Show.
See more on Facebook
An arts, crafts, games and sports club for three- to six-year-olds, sponsored by the church.
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East Harptree Guides
Inspiring and challenging girls from 10 to 14 years old, with the opportunity to earn badges and
awards. For information, contact Jane Williams 01761 221
Environment Group
Increasing awareness and knowledge of wildlife habitats in the village via a newsletter and by
arranging walks, talks and a series of citizen science projects.
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East Harptree Primary School PTA
A dedicated group of parents and carers who play a vital part in raising funds for the school and
organising social events for the children, families and the Harptrees community.
For more information please email:
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With origins in the 12th century, St Laurence Church is part of a united parish with strong ties in the
local area.
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Bell ringing
For enquiries please contact Martin Sperring 01761 221824
Find out more
If you’d like to know more, please contact Tricia Rees-Jones 01749 330160
Village Fete committee
Please contact Guy Stobart and Gill Alexander
Go to Facebook group