East Harptree Parish Council is a civil local authority in Bath and North East Somerset. A parish council is the lowest tier of local government but the closest point of contact for the local community. As an elected corporate body, it has variable tax-raising powers and is responsible for the civil parish, which includes East Harptree village and Coley.
If you have any questions about whether B&NES or the Parish Council are responsible for getting things done in the parish, please refer to this Parish Information Pack, it holds lots of really helpful information.
The next parish council meeting will be Tuesday 18th February 2025 at 7.30pm, in The Theatre, East Harptree. They are normally held on the third Tuesday of each month with the exception of August due to the holiday season.
Taking Part
The parish council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at The Theatre, East Harptree. If you’d like to raise a matter, please contact the clerk: parish.clerk@eastharptreeparish.org The agenda for the next meeting will be published by the previous Thursday, three clear day before the meeting. Public participation is limited to 15 minutes.
Meet your councillors
For any further information please contact the Parish Clerk, Sarah-Jane Streatfeild-James : parish.clerk@eastharptreeparish.org
Parish Council Actions
A parish council is only as relevant as the actions it takes and over the past five years the council has
made a number of decisions on behalf of the community. These include downsizing eight, planned
four plus-bed houses to two- and three-bed houses, and awarding an annual grant of £2,000 to East
Harptree playing fields for maintenance.
See all decisions made
Parish Council mailing list
If you’d like to receive emails about forthcoming events, council business, planning applications,
information from BANES and so on, please email parish.clerk@eastharptreeparish.org with your
contact details.