We are one church in the United Parish of East with West Harptree and Hinton Blewett. The United Parish is part of a bigger benefice, the Benefice of Chew Valley South. Our rector is the Rev. Katrina Dykes who can be contacted on rector@chewvalleysouth.org or 07922 153765. Or contact our benefice administrator, Laura Higgins, on admin@chewvalleysouth.org or 07724 627654 (Mondays and Wednesdays 9am011am)
The St.Laurence church wardens are Guy Stobart (guywstobart55@gmail.com or 01761 221505) or Mary Cookson (marycookson66@gmail.com or 01761 221854). Please contact them for information about St. Laurence – services, weddings, funerals or baptisms and the relevant fees.